2nd Year Visa Jobs…. which aren’t Fruit Picking

2nd Year Visa Jobs…. which aren’t Fruit Picking

What jobs can I do to get my 2nd year visa, which aren’t fruit picking?

Are you liking Australia so much you want to stay for another year? Not so keen on the idea of fruit picking? The good news is there are other options. As long as you’ve completed 88 days of paid work in regional Australia on your first Working Holiday Visa, you can consider any of the following jobs. Here are 5 areas of work eligible for the second year visa extension which aren’t fruit picking!

1. Fishing and pearling jobs

Are you a watery type? Try landing a job in the fishing or pearling industry. Your second Working Holiday Visa allows you to do anything related to the catching of aquatic species and/or the culturing of pearls.

2. Tree farming and felling jobs

If you’re handy with an axe, then this might be for you. Options involving tree farming and felling include planting, tending and felling trees in plantations, as well as transporting trees and/or parts of trees to mills and/or processing plants.

3. Mining jobs

Mining is big business in Australia. You’re permitted to pickup mining work in a variety of areas, including coal, metal ore, non-metallic minerals, gas and oil. In addition, you can seek employment in mining-related construction, quarrying exploration and mining support services. For more information, get in touch with Australian New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZIC). Jobs must be specified with ANZIC to be eligible.

4. Construction jobs

Construction is a really popular employment area for people on their Second Working Holiday Visa. The Government is happy for you to work in both residential and non-residential construction, including heavy and civil engineering construction. On top of that, employment in an array of site and building services is permitted, such as land development, site preparation, building structure, installation and completion.

5. Plant and animal cultivation jobs

Of course, fruit picking is included in this category, but it is just one option. You could also find a job in the immediate processing and packaging arms of the fruit and vegetable industry, or helping out with the general maintenance of crops. When it comes to animals, there are jobs maintaining animals with the intention of selling them or their bodily produce.

So, if you don’t like the idea of picking fruit in the sunshine, don’t worry, there’s a bunch of other options you can consider.

Author: Matthew Heyes

Matthew Heyes is the founder of Backpacker Job Board. Currently based in Melbourne, Matthew originates from UK and came to Australia as a backpacker on a working holiday visa. It was during his time backpacking on the east coast of Australia that he built Backpacker Job Board. Find Matthew Heyes on Linkedin