When is the right time to travel to Australia?

When is the right time to travel to Australia?

The jury is still out on the answer to this age old backpackers question. Most would say that summer is obviously the best time to visit the country. Temperatures sore to the high 30’s (around the 100 mark for those using Fahrenheit), even more if you’re in the remoter parts of the land – there’s a reason why it’s called the ‘sun burnt country’. But Australia is so big that no average reading when you Google ‘Temperature in Australia right now’ will be completely accurate.

December – January

Summer is hot and delicious, there are long days and clear nights, people everywhere and the whole season is a real treat if you like the hot weather. But this doesn’t means that is the only time to come to Australia. Getting here in peak time can get super pricey too. December and January are high time for travellers, I mean who doesn’t want to experience a hot NYE? (Seriously – SO much fun).

September – November

Spring (September – November) and autumn (March – May) are when most would say is the perfect time to visit and naturally, it’s incredibly beautiful. You’ll be treated to a mix of seasonal weather depending on what end of Australia you happen to be in. Melbourne is often regarded as having 4 seasons in one day, where as the further up you go, the more tropical it gets with hot weather and huge rain fall in Queensland keeping you sufficiently sticky, (especially in January, February and March), or head inland and you’ll dry out completely towards the Northern Territory.

Australia is 4000 kilometres wide, so that’s pretty big. Think …um, oh I don’t know ……the size of America! Continental United states to be precise. It takes a while to get from one side to the other. Mainland Europe would fit inside it if you placed it directly on top.

May – August


But, what about winter in Australia? This off-peak period lies between May – August and isn’t as bad for travelling as one would think. If you still want a warmer climate, head up. Cairns or the Gold Coast will treat you rather well for a winter, reaching up to about 18 degrees celsius in the days. Or if you like the chill, get down. Melbourne puts on a good rainy winter and Tasmania has a nice winter chill about it, even sometimes getting snow on their highest peak. The idea of only travelling in summer because you’ll have a better trip is a myth. Sure there are seasonal activities, but what’s on in winter can sometimes be as special as what is on in summer.

All year round

As far as casual work for backpackers goes, there are fruit picking farms that run all year round harvesting seasonal fruit. Other farms do lost of clearing and preparation work in the cooler months so they are ready for when spring and summer come. Restaurants, cafes and bars will always need employees and hostels and hostels, even though hit by the seasonal success or slump, are often recruiting people all year round.

So unless you’ve got your heart set on spending every day in a bikini and browning yourself to a crisp on one of Australia’s fabulous beaches at 40 degree heat, come to Australia when ever you like. You can spread yourself around this great land of ours and find your perfect spot, for any season.