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Farm Hand

Merridong Farms Coleambally, New South Wales

2nd Year Visa Eligible

Job Description

We Are Hiring

Seasonal - Start asap - prep/sow/irrigate Summer crop / Harvest winter crop (wheat and Canola).

Looking for a farm hand for our family-owned business to help with day-to-day duties centred around all aspects of crop production.
This would include operating current model seeders, boom sprays, harvesters and spreading machinery, as well as grain storage facilities.

$30hr/ 38-45 hrs weekly + overtime during harvest

Accommodation is included to the successful candidate.

There will also be a work ute with fuel available for work purposes.

To succeed in this role, the following skills and prior experience are necessary:

Fluent in speaking and understanding English
Mechanically minded
Great communication skills
High attention to detail with high follow-through
Follow all WH&S practices
Sound understanding of all general farm procedures
HC or MC License a big advantage.
Supply 2 References

We can only accept applications if you are located in Australia.

Postcode: 2707 (Coleambally, New South Wales)

Not a backpacker? That's ok. We accept applications from Australian citizens, permanent residents, international students as well as working holiday visa holders. If you are qualified for this position, please register and apply via the form below.

  This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.

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Merridong Farms

Member since: July 2024

This employer uses a email account.

Family Run farming of irrigated crops. We have approximately 5000 acres of land with rotation cropping of Rice, Corn, Wheat, Barley, Canola and Cotton.

Farming, Animals & Conservation