10 Awesome Tumblr Blogs by Travellers

10 Awesome Tumblr Blogs by Travellers

From stunning photographs of people and places around the world, to journeys and learnings shared, here are 10 awesome Tumblr blogs you should follow when dreaming, planning, adventuring, or sitting at home remembering your backpacking adventure to places far and beyond. We are in wanderlust.

1. National Geographic Travel

Expect nothing more than a collection of spectacular photos of everything the world has to offer travellers from the official National Geographic Travel Tumblr blog.

Be prepared for your breath to be taken away.

2. Go Behind the Scenery

Go Behind the Scenery is dedicated to Tasmania, the island state off the southern coast of Australia.

Through Go Behind the Scenery, Tourism Tasmania provides us with an insiders look into Tasmania through sharing a comprehensive collection of photos and information about the island and it’s many attractions, as well as links to things to do, places to stay, suggested itinerates, tips, resources, and more.

If you are thinking of visiting Tasmania but haven’t, have never given it much of a thought, or haven’t even heard of the place, do yourself a favor and check out Go Behind the Scenery – it will definitely inspire you to head over to Tassie. If you need help looking for work in Tassie, check out our fruit picking jobs in Tasmania or our Tasmania jobs category.

3. Wanderlust Tour

Wanderlust Tour is Hanna Taylor’s way of sharing her passion for travel with the world.

Hanna started Wanderlust Tour in the summer of 2012 as she dreamed of traveling the world after graduating college. She then narrowed her focus on Europe.

Wanderlust Tour is a beautiful little blog that allows you to drill down into each of Hanna’s trips, including trip brainstorming, pre-planning, itineraries, FAQ’s, photos, and more! The perfect resource for the novice traveller…or anyone looking for ideas!

4. Barefoot Travellers

Created by 5 people ‘with a taste for wandering’, the Barefoot Travellers aim to share their own travels and experiences, inspire others, and to provide advice on all things travel.

With posts from a keen backpacker who believes in travelling rough, through to an adventurous artist and fellow citizens of the world, you can guarantee there is something here for almost everyone.

5. Pack Your Passport

In June 2010, Beverley Reinemann packed her bags and headed off to Australia on a working holiday. After moving to New Zealand, Beverley returned home and now balances her life in London with her love for travel.

Pack Your Passport documents Beverley’s journey aboard and home again. She shares photos and experiences, as well as fantastic advice – including video posts – on topics such as where to start when planning your working holiday to Australia i.e. visas.

Now home in the UK, Beverley continues to share her explorations closer to home.

6. Backpackers Guide to Earth

Backpackers Guide to Earth is Logan’s way of capturing and sharing his travel dreams, plans, memories and experiences.

Logan shares pictures of places he has been to or wants to go, with some added written commentary, and hopes to inspire others, as well as himself, to get out and explore the world.

“There can be many obstacles in the way when it comes to travel… But those obstacles may always be there and you can always find excuses not to do something. Throw those excuses to the side, take a chance, get out there and do something! You may be amazed at what you find”.

7. Wandering Tilda

The travel blog of a 21 year-old girl filled with wanderlust, Wandering Tilda is a chronicle of her adventures. Believing that travel is one of the best things you can ever do for yourself, she hopes to inspire others to travel through sharing her photos and travel advice. And if you have a travel related question, just swing by Wandering Tilda and ask!

8. Vacilando

Delve into the world of Vacilando, a beautiful blog created by Alex, a Twenty-two year old American girl with a passion for experiencing the world in all of its color and glory.

Alex shares stunning travel photography, interesting facts and information, as well as her own travel experiences and memories.

9. The Travel Network

Think of The Travel Network as a collection of doorways to different worlds and perspectives of the planet.

The Travel Network features high-quality Tumblr travel and landscape blogs you could lose yourself in for days.

10. Atlas Obscura

Atlas Obscura, a definitive guide to the world’s wondrous and curious places, is a collaborative project that explores new places and ways of looking at the world. It’s for people who still believe in discovery.

Their community depends on fellow explorers; so if you know a curious place that they haven’t included, let them know.

Author: Matthew Heyes

Matthew Heyes is the founder of Backpacker Job Board. Currently based in Melbourne, Matthew originates from UK and came to Australia as a backpacker on a working holiday visa. It was during his time backpacking on the east coast of Australia that he built Backpacker Job Board. Find Matthew Heyes on Linkedin