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Backpackers Wanted For Sales And Promotions Openings

MoreMentum Windsor, Victoria

Job Description

Either welcome back or congratulations for making it through the craziness of the last few years!

Morementum is a premium sales and marketing agency and we are looking for fun, enthusiastic backpackers to become our next sales superstars!

Do you:
• Enjoy interacting with customers?
• Thrive in fast paced environments?
• Want to work off a flexible schedule whilst travelling?

To be the best we need to recruit the best! Adapting into our amazing culture will be key during our recruitment process. First impressions, the ability to hold a conversation and stepping out of your comfort zone will be a huge asset in representing our leading clients through face to face sales. Having these attributes are historically why backpackers have excelled in our industry.

What we offer:
- Hourly rate + commissions
- Full product training
- Travel opportunities
- Career progression for the ambitious
- A great environment

Why not gain some skills whilst travelling?
If you are looking at settling down in Brisbane to enjoy a bit of sunshine, we are looking for driven individuals who can bring their customer service experience into our world.

If this sounds like you APPLY NOW! Successful applicants will be contacted within 24 hours.

Postcode: 3181 (Windsor, Victoria)

Not a backpacker? That's ok. We accept applications from Australian citizens, permanent residents, international students as well as working holiday visa holders. If you are qualified for this position, please register and apply via the form below.

  This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.

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Member since: November 2019

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