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Hatchery Assistant

Think Recruitment GOULBURN, New South Wales

Job Description

We are seeking new Hatchery assistants for a state of the art facility in Goulburn NSW.

*you must be able to source your own local accommodation, this is not provided with the job* *must be willing to commit to a minimum of 6 months in this position*

What does a Hatchery Assistant do?

A Hatchery Assistant processes young chickens once they hatch, preparing them for transport to their farm.

The machinery you will be using is well maintained and makes your job as simple as it can be.

It’s a role like that of someone processing tins of fruit, or any other item on a production line, it’s just that they happen to be live chickens.

You work on one part of the production line, be it immunisation, sorting and counting, packaging into their cardboard crates and other tasks. There is also a cleaning component to each day to sanitise the work area, ready for the next day.

Throughout the process the wellbeing of the animals is the highest priority. They are handled with the highest level of care at a level higher than RSPCA standards.

To be able to do this job, you must be physically fit with no restrictions to movement. There is repetition of bending, twisting and lifting throughout the day and you are on your feet working. It isn’t heavy lifting, just repetitive.

Due to the high biosecurity standards, you must not have live birds or pigs at home as pets, or livestock.

Above award wages are now offered in this position, lining up with traditionally better paying jobs such as warehousing and general labouring in construction. So now is the time to apply!

Postcode: 2580 (GOULBURN, New South Wales)

Not a backpacker? That's ok. We accept applications from Australian citizens, permanent residents, international students as well as working holiday visa holders. If you are qualified for this position, please register and apply via the form below.

  This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.

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Think Recruitment

Member since: October 2022

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