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Guys For Photoshoots.

SurfsideStudios Cairns, Queensland, Cairns

Job Description

Well-presented guys 18-28. wanted for photo work.
Mainstream sportswear to exotic work available
Flex days/times paying $300 to $1000 an hour.
Can be one time or ongoing.
Text picture with body and headshot.
Along with what city you are in now - to be considered 0418226755.
We will then consider you for info meeting and shoot.
SurfsideStudios Australia. - 25 years

Postcode: 4870 (Cairns, Queensland, Cairns)

Not a backpacker? That's ok. We accept applications from Australian citizens, permanent residents, international students as well as working holiday visa holders. If you are qualified for this position, please register and apply via the form below.

  This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.

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Member since: September 2018

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SurfsideStudios and Productions are based on the Gold Coast and in Brisbane. Australia. Text us on 0418226755.
We have photographed over 850+ guys 18-28 over the past 24 years. We do not charge any fees to applicants. We specialise in featuring well-presented athletes/ sportsmen and other guys, 18 to 28 who are into health and fitness. We usually select applicants that are well presented, have Natural good look and attitude. Surfside has a high standard that has been forged over 24 years. Many of our best models - are guys that have never thought they were good enough, to model. We know how to make you look - your very best!