Cook Chef
FAMILY OWNED HOTEL HOLBROOK NSW Darlington point, New South Wales
Job Description
Experienced min 3 yrs
Must be able to understand Australian roast and good pub food
Clean, happy, and committed for time commited to in stay..
produce good presentation of food and in a timely fashion
Live in room with own bathroom and small sitting room available for right candidate
$50000 per year
Bistro currently trading
Tues wed thu 5.30-9
Fri and sat 12-2 5-9
Sunday 12-2
This can and may be amended to dinner Sunday or dinner mondays night
Must have qualifications and certificates and background checks
Initial trial will be offered
Darlington point is a small country town near Griffith in nsw with farming produce and growth from all over the world taking place
Please email for more information
View more Jobs in New South Wales or Hotel & Hostel Jobs in New South Wales for backpackers.
Not a backpacker? That's ok. We accept applications from Australian citizens, permanent residents, international students as well as working holiday visa holders. If you are qualified for this position, please register and apply via the form below.
This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.
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Member since: July 2021
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The Riverina Hotel Holbrook
The Middle asmore affectionately known, is a family-owned and operated hotel in Holbrook. It is renowned for its excellent service, scrumptious food, and relaxing ambiance. Run by father-and-son duo Murray and Matthew Oates, the hotel embodies the Submarine Town of Holbrook like no other.
Feel at Home in the Riverina Hotel
With 14 different rooms that offer a variety of lodging options, the Riv is a popular choice for travellers, whether they are staying for a while or just passing through. The hotel takes pride in providing nothing but the best service to its customers. Gracious staff treat you as one of their own and ensure that all your needs are taken care of. Your stay will make you feel welcome into the close-knit community of Holbrook.
Feast on Local Fare at the Riverina Restaurant
There’s a reason why even locals flock to eat at the Riv – the classic small town Aussie pub. The Riv serves a variety of traditional pub dishes
Hospitality, Travel & Tourism