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General Labourer

1800 got junk Sydney, Sydney

Job Description

1800-GOT-JUNK? is making the ordinary business of rubbish removal exceptional. We are proud to be the leaders of our industry, and we recognize that every member of our team is a vital contributor to our success. High performance is expected, achieved, and rewarded. Our culture of achievement is grounded in hard work, fun, professionalism, enthusiasm and teamwork[phone number removed]GOT-JUNK? is a large global brand and we need your help in Sydney

Truck Team Member - Labourer / Customer Service / Truck Driver
Flexible Hours: 20-50hrs/wk
Pay: $[phone number removed]hr
additional daily bonuses, weekly bonuses available after training.

You are an energetic, well-organized, creative problem solver and goal-oriented team player who loves a challenging and fun environment. You are excited to join a team that strives to WOW every customer with exceptional customer service. You are committed to reaching your full potential in a supportive learning environment. You ideally have a VIC light rigid license or better. We offer flexible schedules. Work casually to supplement your full time job or work a full time schedule at 1800-GOT-JUNK? with the benefits of flexibility.

Work in a great team
Flexible work schedules available - pickup as many or as little shifts as you desire
Ever changing role, no day is the same
Have fun on the job
1800-GOT-JUNK? Truck Team members/drivers are the important front-line of our business. Successful candidates will:
be committed to WOWing customers, along with your other truck team member(s) with exceptional service and a great attitude
be able to sell without the aid of a suit and tie and identify sales opportunities
be hard working and enjoy physical labor
excel in a position of independence and responsibility
Definitely apply if you have an LR License or better!

Postcode: 2000 (Sydney, Sydney)

Not a backpacker? That's ok. We accept applications from Australian citizens, permanent residents, international students as well as working holiday visa holders. If you are qualified for this position, please register and apply via the form below.

  This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.

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1800 got junk

Member since: September 2022

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