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Cbd Free Accommodation For Volunteer Staff Night Shift & Weekend Shift

CarricHouse Accommodation North Melbourne, Melbourne

Job Description

We looking for a houseman role (Night shift & Weekend Shift) that flexible working hours from Monday-Friday after 5pm - 11:30pm. Also saturday and sunday flexible shift for check in admin role, the benefit of this Volunteer job is redeemed to your free accommodation into twin room stay. The general task as below:

- Maintenance cleanliness of ground floor
- Tidy up kitchen & clean up kitchen every night ( wipe bench , all clean pan/pot goes back in cabinet, dry sink area , empty rubbish bin, rangehood surfaces and splashback surfaces spary and wipe twice a month )
- Ground Floor vacuum & Mop (Four time a week ) . For Kitchen floor two days a time.
- Wipe and dusting window and dining tables
- Some Admin check in at night time After 5:30pm & before 11:30pm . and weekend check in normally after 13:00 flexible hours.

A suitable person can speak english , not require very good but can general english speaking required. We looking for a person can work at least 6 months .

If this sounds like you, Please let me know your best contact , OR add our working ID below to discuss further about this role .

Carric House Management
Whatsapp ID: CarricHouse Admin

Postcode: 3051 (North Melbourne, Melbourne)

Not a backpacker? That's ok. We accept applications from Australian citizens, permanent residents, international students as well as working holiday visa holders. If you are qualified for this position, please register and apply via the form below.

  This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.

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CarricHouse Accommodation

Member since: November 2021

This employer uses a email account.

CarricHouse Hostel / Accommodation is shared accommodation. Located on the edge of Melbourne's CBD
Located within FREE tram zone
Just a few mins walk by Queen Victoria market
Surrounding with parks, great cafes (code black, small batch)and amazing restaurants.
Walk able distance to some major city based universities and language schools such as RMIT, Mel uni etc.

Hospitality, Travel & Tourism